Familiar Read: This is the text that students have read in their previous guided reading lesson. Once they have read this text with me a second time it goes into their Familiar Reading box (more on this later!).
Learning Intention: I usually draw this from the literacy continuum and the English syllabus. My first learning intention for kindergarten students is 'crisp finger pointing'. The prompting that I use is 'when I see a word, I can say a word'. I always refer to the learning intention in my feedback to students e.g. 'I can see your crisp finger pointing under each word, well done'.
New Read and Level: This is their new text. Depending on previous guided reading lesson this may be a new level or the same level as their familiar text. I follow the L3 guided reading structure to introduce this text. This text then becomes their familiar text in the next lesson.
Word to Find: This is a high frequency word from the text. I identify the word to my students prior to reading e.g. this says 'at'. They then repeat the word. I ask them to find the word on another page. Students work their way through the text finding, pointing to and saying the word as they go. This is very quick!
Post Read: This is where I ask questions to clarify meaning. The depth of questioning develops as students move from Red to Magenta and beyond.
Word Work: Here I select a word from the text for students to manipulate using magnetic letters. I use the Phonics and Phonemic Awareness aspects of the literacy continuum to guide my planning. Red level text word work is the simple reformation of a high frequency word from the text using magnetic letters. Beyond red level students begin substituting initial, medial and final sounds to make a new word.
At the bottom of each lesson plan I keep any notes about what words or skills may need to be revisited in follow lessons. I also keep a separate sheet of paper with student names on it to record observations, new learning intentions and any other important information relating to guided reading groups.
This is a very basic overview of how I use this pro forma. The L3 program support folder will give you much more in-depth information about the structure of an L3 guided reading lesson.
I am only in my first year on L3 training and am definitely not an expert, however if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them.
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